Hinterlässt eine Bart- und Schnurrbarttransplantation Narben?
Haartransplantation ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten ein Trend-Eingriff und die Techniken werden von Tag zu Tag weiterentwickelt, um perfekte Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Eine Transplantationsoperation umfasst nicht mehr unbedingt nur eine Haartransplantation. Menschen können jetzt Bärte, Schnurrbärte und sogar Augenbrauen transplantieren lassen. Obwohl es sich bei diesen Operationen um recht einfache und unkomplizierte Operationen handelt, hegen die Menschen möglicherweise dennoch viele Bedenken und Fragen dazu. Eine dieser Fragen ist, ob Bart- und Schnurrbarttransplantationen Narben hinterlassen.
The most developed techniques for beard and mustache transplants are the FUE and DHI techniques. In these techniques, the doctor harvests hair follicles from your donor area, which is most of the time the back of your scalp and grafts them into the beard and mustache areas. Both of the techniques are minimally invasive techniques. They create small dots on the donor and the recipient areas. However, there is nothing that you should be worried about. Those dots will heal over, and then the scabs will exfoliate with time and then disappear.
If you do not want to have permanent scars, it is essential that you choose your doctor and clinic very well. There are many clinics about Hair Transplants, but not all of them are qualified to do the operations successfully. Most patients choose Turkey to get their transplants since it is the leading country in the Hair Transplant field. Turkey is the leading country in the Hair Transplant field because of its experienced doctors, clinics, and advanced techniques.
Therefore, having your beard and mustache transplant in Turkey is the best choice you can make to have a successful beard and mustache transplant. Contact Turkeyana Clinic experts now to get a free consultation and get your dream appearance.
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